branding services in Wellington

Branding Services in Wellington

2018 is going to be a big year for your brand.
How do we know it?

Because it has all the potential it needs to break out.
What it may lack is a little advice and guidance!

The branding services in Wellington area that we provide are that missing ingredient you’ve been looking for.

Branding Services in Wellington

For businesses in Wellington area, it has never been easy to establish the name for themselves since the competition is stiff and the customer expectations are quite high.

What you really need to set your business apart from the competitors is high-quality branding services.

Why Branding Is Important

Brands are omnipresent. They have become the main criterion customers use to make their choice whether to buy something or not.

WHAT you do is not that important anymore. The only thing that matters now is HOW you do it – and that’s when branding comes in.
Every product and service have something special about them – whether it’s design, user experience, packaging, or price.

Your brand tells the story of your product/service to your potential customers better than any Broadway musical – provided it’s been developed right.

Brands Matter

Developing a brand is more of an art than a science – too many things to consider. This is something you don’t want to assign to some amateur.

When you hear or read that company «A» has paid a few million dollars to marketing agency «B» to develop a brand for them, you know – the result (if successful) is going to be worth billions.

What about a small, local business? They don’t have millions of dollars to spend on branding service yet they could definitely benefit from some.

The best way for those businesses is to order their branding services from a trusted, respected branding agency with experience and reputation. An agency that has reasonable pricing options and gives guarantees – like VG.

Branding Services: What’s in the Box?

  • Strategy and research
  • Data analysis
  • Building branding strategy
  • Style and design
  • Logo design
  • Font/typeface design
  • Slogan design
  • Product design
  • Rebranding services
  • Marketing collateral
  • Email marketing
  • Infographics
  • Sales presentations
  • Landing page design
  • Social media marketing (SMM) branding services

Combining your vision and our skills, we provide branding services with amazing results under reasonable terms in areas across New Zealand including:

ChristchurchDunedin and Auckland.

You Get More than Just Branding Services

We are a one-stop shop for all your branding needs.

  • Increased brand recognition
  • Access to the new markets
  • Boost in sales and revenue

Why Choose VG Specialists to Work on Your Brand

We offer top-quality branding services in Wellington and we do it with style:

  • Goal-oriented approach - zero time and money wasted
  • Experienced, skilled, and ambitious team
  • Data-driven, research-based methods
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