Top 21 Online Marketing Services for Small Businesses: Social Media & Content

Top 21 Online Marketing Services for Small Businesses: SMM & Content

Content MarketingSocial Media Marketing

Discover the best online marketing services for small businesses to help leverage your social media, content marketing, conversion rate optimization, and analytics efforts.

There’s no more room for “do-it-yourself” approach in modern marketing. Information is overwhelming, every day something new happens: new gadgets come out, new software appears, etc – it’s like a mini-revolution every day instead of once in 10 years like it used to be.

Therefore, you need something that will save you time and effort, while you can concentrate on strategic development. This is where online marketing tools come in – created for optimization and automatization of routine processes, they are an essential part of today’s Internet marketing.

It’s not a question whether you should or should not know about them. Of course, you should. But, since there are thousands of marketing services for businesses, how to choose the right ones for your business? This article is the answer.

I’ve compiled 21 best online marketing services that are out there at the moment in a single list, complete with a short description, price, and, of course, links.
This list concentrates mainly on the tools for social media, content marketing, conversion rate optimization, and analytics. If you want to learn more about the best PPC and SEO tool, feel free to read this article “Top 21 Small Business Internet Marketing Services You Need: PPC & SEO”.

The Definition of an Online Marketing Services for Small Businesses

Most authors (me included) would agree, that any online marketing tools for small businesses is essentially an online tool, whose goal is to solve a common problem shared by most Internet marketers.

There’s an abundance of such services all over the Internet. That’s why we need to develop some criteria to figure out what makes them different from each other.

Different Kinds of Online Marketing Services

Most Internet marketers will distinct between free and paid services, which is a major factor for small businesses. Some services can cost up to $100 per month, and that is quite a lot, especially for young struggling businesses. Thankfully, there are free analogs for most paid services offering more or less the same basic functionality.

Online marketing tools can also differ by their purpose – there are multi-purpose tools such as Google Analytics or MixPanel, and there are single-purpose tools for specific area: SEO, PPC, Social Media, Analytics etc.

Finally, there are in-browser tools and tools, which have to be downloaded and installed on your PC (downloadable software).

In any case, the choice is yours based on your needs, budget, and experience.

Now, let’s take a look at some tools for Social Media, Content Marketing, and Analytics.

Social Media Tools

Social media tools are designed to save you time and effort while working with your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube, and other social media pages. Let’s take a look at some of the most useful ones.

1. Hootsuite


This is arguably the most popular social media tool out there. Hootsuite covers all the bases for an online marketer.

It allows you to connect and manage all your social media accounts simultaneously. Other features include:

  • post scheduling
  • quick replies and templates
  • monitoring and tracking mentions of your brand
  • advanced and rich analytics

Overall, it’s an essential tool.

Cost: $9.99 (pro plan)

2. Buffer


This tool is a simple and elegant solution for those don’t need all the advanced functionality and features of Hootsuite.

If you ask me, Buffer is the most intuitive and reliable social media managing platforms. Scheduling and tracking posts is ever easy with it.

Cost: $10/mo (pro plans)

3. BuzzSumo


Although not strictly a social media tool, BuzzSumo is perfect for spotting hot and shared content across various networks.

You can also use it to find out key influencers for any topic you enter.

Cost: $99/mo

4. Tweepi


This tool is designed specifically managing your Twitter account. Tweepi has everything you would expect from such tool, but there’s also a bonus.

With Tweepi, you can see who is not following you back and even do forced unfollow for the accounts you don’t like. What’s not to like?

Cost: $7.49/mo (pro plans)

5. Save Publishing

Save Publishing

A true gem for Twitter lovers! Save Publishing underlines 140-character passages on a webpage, which makes it easier to pick quotes and other Twitter-worthy material. You came, you saw, you shared. And it’s free!

Cost: FREE

6. Social Flow

Social Flow

Have you ever found yourself trying to figure out the best time to post on social? Well, it turns out that there a tool even for that!

Social Flow gives you the clue on when to publish your social media posts to get maximum impact from subscribers and followers.

Cost: $99/mo

7. LikeAlyzer


Apart from the weird name, there’s nothing really wrong with this tool. LikeAlyzer runs your Facebook page through a special algorithm to analyze its strength and show you what can be improved in terms of engagement with your fans.

Cost: FREE

8. Mediatoolkit


You don’t want people to badmouth you online. You want them to say good things about you. With Mediatoolkit, it’s easy to keep track of what people are saying about you on the Internet.

Extremely useful for public companies and bloggers.

Cost: $29/mo

9. Openr


A nifty social media tool you probably haven’t even heard of. Openr allows you to share custom-made links with your call-to-action attached.

When your subscribers open the link, they will see the promised content, but also a customizable pop-over with your CTA and a link to your product/service page.

Cost: $39/mo

10. Bitly


Impossible not to mention this one. If you still don’t use this service for shortening links in your social media posts, do yourself a favor and try it.

By the way, Bitly is already an integral part of Twitter.

Content Marketing Tools

Moving on to the next category of online marketing tools for content marketing. Before you proceed to the actual list of tools below, I suggest you reading the article on content marketing called “What is Content Marketing: Guide to Successful Marketing Strategy.” It has lots of useful information and actionable tips.

11. Prezi


The king of all online presentation tools, Prezi can turn even the most boring presentation into a piece of art. Extremely useful for bloggers who want to share their information in a beautiful and appealing way.

Cost: $59/yr

12. Blog Topic Generator

Blog Topic Generator

Ever run out of ideas for articles? This tool is here to help. You just enter a few nouns, and Blog Topic Generator generates ideas for you based on the input.

Sounds like a gimmick, but you would be surprised to find out that this stuff really works. Give it a try sometime.

Cost: FREE

13. Feedly


Must-have for news writers and bloggers. Feedly is essentially an RSS app that will allow you to stay alert on all current events in the field you’re interested in.

Easy to set up, easy to use. There is no better alternative to the long gone Google Reader on the market.

14. After the Deadline

After the Deadline

Another social media tool with weird name. After the Deadline is a browser extension that lets you perform that one final grammar/spell check before hit “Publish” button in your browser.

There is no excuse for poor grammar and misspelled words, so why not try it?

Cost: FREE

15. Polar


One of the best online-poll tools. No special skills required – with Polar, you just go ahead and start making great-looking polls to create more engaging content for your audience.

Cost: FREE

16. Piktochart


Infographics are cool, we all know that. They are a great way to present content and add a lot of extra value to the content.

Now there’s a nice tool for creating infographics for your website called Piktochart. Do try it.

Cost: FREE

17. Readability Test Tool

Readability Test Tool

As you may know, Google ranks your page based on the quality of content, among other things. And one of the main aspects of quality is its readability.

Readability Test Tool performs a quick check on your web page to see how well it ranks on the Flesch Kincaid Reading Scale.

Conversion Rate Optimization and Analytics Tools

18. Google Analytics

Google Analytics

The mother of all analytics tools, Google Analytics has been around forever. It’s essential for any site owner, webmaster, and/or Internet marketer.

Cost: FREE

19. Clicktale


This optimization tool allows you to spy on your visitors a bit by showing you the video of their actions on the website.

Cost: $99/mo

20. MixPanel


A complex optimization tool that helps you understand your visitors’ behavior and work out a nice, clean strategy.

MixPanel has tons of useful features and is very easy to use.

Cost: $150/mo

21. Five Second Test

Five Second Test

The final tool on our list, this is not a sophisticated online service, unlike many others. Instead, Five Second Test gives you a great insight on how much information your landing page visitors can actually grasp.

Allows you to keep it short, simple, and concise.

Cost: based on credit system


Thanks for getting to the end of our list. Try using these services in your everyday life and you’ll see how easier it becomes. Good luck!

The right thing to do would be share this article with your friends on the social networks – just click on one of the icons of social media, it’s that easy.

If you have further questions on the subject, please write them in comments – I’ll be glad to answer.

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